Using a body at various tempos and based on the Kuduro movements, Gio Lourenço (Angola, 1987) builds a biographical itinerary where the body becomes an allegory of memory. Kuduro appears in the 1990s, in Luanda, in the context of a civil war. The specific codes of this style of Music / Dance reached Portugal through the body and the K7s of those who moved between these two countries. It was during his adolescence, in the late 90’s and already living in Portugal, that Gio Lourenço came into contact with this universe and became a Kudurista, discovering a broken body – his own – where memory reinvents itself in gesture. BOCA FALA TROPA proposes an artistic territory displaced from a concrete geography – the transit between Angola and Portugal – starting from the steps and codes of Kuduro to cross elements of individual memory, and its inevitable fictions, with elements of collective memory.
Ana Rocha (Porto, 1982) was a producer for visual arts and performing arts. She is a curator, choreographer, performer and dramaturge. She has been working in the cultural and artistic field as an independent freelancer for 21 years. She works as cultural mediation and programming (TAMANHO M, XXATENEUXXI’19, Cultura em Expansão (2019 to 2022), To School Out of School’19 \ Colectivos Pláka, TanzKongress’19, ViaAberta\Mid Summers Night Dream’19, CURADURA’21, Set-Up’21, A Casa de Sibila’22, among others), collaborating with informal organizations for the arts, artists-run collectives and public institutions.
Ana collaborates as a freelance consultant for performing arts in different contexts & disciplines, artists and structures as Sekoia and Bela Associação, and Braga’27 ECC, among others.